Southwest Little League's Minors program operates as two separate divisions under Little League Baseball Rules and Regulations.
AA Minors is intended for players ages 8 to 9; AAA Minors is intended for players ages 9 to 10, though player experience can also play a role in which level is best suited to each player.
Games and Practices
AA teams practice 3 times a week starting in March. Once games start in April, teams will have two games and one practice each week. The regular season ends the first week of June.
AAA teams practice 3 to 4 times begining in March. Once games begin in April, teams will have 2 games and 2 practices each week. The regular season ends in early June.
All Minors players are required to attend at least 1 of the scheduled tryout sessions and enter the league draft for team assignment.
Any player failing to attend at least 1 of the tryout sessions must have a board-approved excuse in order to play and will be assigned randomly to a roster.
Game Duration
A game lasts six innings or two hours, whichever comes first. Four innings must be completed for the game to be counted as "official." Only the umpire can decide whether a game should be stopped early due to darkness, weather, or concerns about field conditions.
A game can exceed the two-hour limit to finish six innings, provided:
- Four innings have been completed by the two-hour mark;
- There is no game scheduled for the field following the game in question; and
- Both head coaches and the umpire agree to continue.
Teams will use a continuous batting order, meaning all available players are entered into the batting order at the beginning of the game and the order is unchanged throughout the game, even as defensive changes occur.
By rule, every player MUST get at least one plate appearance (a turn at bat).
Teams will field nine defensive players, per Little League baseball rules.
Every player must be in the field as a defensive player for a minimum of six outs.
Southwest Little League provides its teams with the equipment necessary for games and practices, including helmets, bats, balls, and catcher's equipment.
Additionally, each player should be provided a uniform shirt and hat. Parents will need to provide their player a mitt/glove, baseball pants, and cleats.
Some parents may also choose to purchase a helmet and bat for their child to use. Before shopping for a bat, however, please review the current Little League bat rules, as only bats meeting Little League safety regulations are allowed to be used.
Volunteers are the backbone of every successful Little League program. Southwest Little League is no different and has a wide range of volunteer opportunities available.
In addition to coaching roles working directly with the players and teams, help is needed in a number of baseball and other organizational functions, including fundraising, event planning, scorekeeping, umpiring, etc.
Additionally, the season-ending picnic and awards ceremony is a huge effort requiring many hands. If you have a limited amount of time but want to contribute, consider offering your volunteer efforts for that fun-filled day!
Little League encourages all parents to get involved and be an active part of your community's Little League program.
Parent Connection
The Parent Connection newsletter is Little League's monthly newsletter.
All parents are encouraged to register to receive The Parent Connection by visiting